In 2-D!!!!!
The Critic's Lair
Last Updated: January 6th, 1900 ;-P
Updates Log

The internet is plagued with various personal pages. Most of them are crap, but a few are actually quite well done. Obviously, this is not one of the good ones. Why, then, should I add my voice to the 'net? Who will hear me? What is the point of communicating ideas without a name, without morality?

I dunno.

Current Random Crap

Link comes to South Park
Link goes to South Park. I found this picture here. Don't bother to tell me that South Park is mindless and evil.

There. Random crap.

Site Map_
Most of this is pretty much me blowing off steam, but maybe some of it makes sense. I have seperated this into two categories: Game Rants and Other Rants. The Game Rants show some semblance of sanity, but the other rants should be avoided unless you like depressing crap.
Games are my lifelong hobby and pursuit. Playing and creating games is pretty much the only thing that gives me any sense of satisfaction. Most people think I am a crappy gamer and designer, and with good reasons; I haven't won any games, nor have I designed any games of value. Hopefully, I can change that... someday. Yeah, right.
Spamalicious Material
Blech. Spamalicious should NOT be a word...
Miscellaneous Crap
All the stuff that doesn't fit in the above categories.

Any copyrighted objects are the property of their respective owners. All original content is MINE, not yours, and shall forever be mine because I am a capitalist pig. This site is regrettably hosted by Tripod.

4 dA aGe5, i rYt3 iN d4 d00diC0N!!!!

"Sensory deprivation kicks ass." - Homer Simpson