Welcome... and stuff like that. If you're here, I'm assuming you are a) visiting this site because you're bored or hoping to find "z3l|)4 w4r3Z N pR0N d00|)z!!!!", b) looking for flamebait, or c) actually interested in Zelda stuff. In accomplishing c, I am sure to accomplish a and b as well, so that's not a problem. Anywho, Jabu-Jabu's Belly is a home for some more offbeat and strange crap about The Legend of Zelda, a series of action-adventure games that is, in underwhelming words, awesome. Through simple controls and a seamless interface, the first Zelda brought together a quest of epic proportions and a timeless charm of quirkiness. Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to show people a piece of his dream, and for me, he has succeeded.
Now that introductions are out of the way, let me show you around. (Just don't slash at Jabu-Jabu's skin; he's taciturn!) Over thousands of years, Jabu-Jabu has been ritualistically fed information about Hyrule, surviving Ganon's power for generations. What you see before you is parts of Jabu-Jabu's information, translated from the old Hylian texts into your language (a process which takes a long time, giving Jabu-Jabu an excuse to add stuff as he pleases. :P) Because we love quirky stuff, the great fish has decided to process that first, since utilitarian literature has already been translated in many places.
As of now, the following information has been translated and scribed:
Homebrewed images - Zelda banners and buttons await inside. Just don't tell anyone that Jabu-Jabu's artistic skills are actually ripped from screen shots and official artwork from the Gods. [Tour guide is slapped by a barnacle.] Ow! Alright, alright...
Zelda series FAQ - For once, a FAQ that is actually a FAQ! Come here with thy questions, and Jabu-Jabu will make an excuse that beats anything from a Trek fanboy in terms of incredulity. Updated frequently (or whenever Jabu-Jabu isn't watching Sanford and Son)
Mini-Games - A very incomplete list of mini-games throughout Link's adventures.
Quotes - A few words of wisdom from the people of Hyrule and Koholint Isle, and anywhere else Link may visit. (Coming when I get off my butt and go through the games again.)
And finally, what we all came here for... z3l|)4 w4r3Z N pR0N!!!111
Jabu-Jabu's Links RPGamer's Zelda 1 Archive, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Most of the images used for the banners were from these archives. No, I won't link their main page.
The Gaming Intelligence Agency - A news site with all the latest information on the upcoming Zelda titles and much, much more, with intelligent coverage. A definite must-see.
Zelda Headquarters - Biggest Zelda fansite, also has information on upcoming titles and plenty of unique stuff. Just get rid of the embedded MIDIs, m'kay?
IGN64.com, IGN Pocket, more news sites that deal with the N64 and Game Boy, respectively.
The NyctoVortex - a site from a fellow Zelda fanboy, which has plenty of original content although not all of it pertains to Zelda.
Oh, and the font used for the title is Akbar, and you can find it here. Consult your documentation for further advice on how to get it working with your browser, because I barely manage to get it working. The font used for most of the banners and buttons is Beanie, and can be found here.
The Legend of Zelda is a registered trademark of Nintendo Co. Ltd. and Nintendo of America. All original content is copyrighted by me, Greymatter, and may be reproduced and altered as you please. After all, how original can this content be? ;-P