My Voice!

In "real" life -- if you choose to call it real -- my voice is a sheep's bleat. If you know me, you know how feeble I am. For those of you who only know me through the 'net, you're fortunate, because my voice is evil. If you are a masochist, feel free to download these samples of my voice, simulating stupid stuff. This's the way!

Ze Voices

- "This's the way!" (a Daravon classic... I don't even need to play FFT to give it appreciation)
- The Jamestown Nads (backstory; Jamestown was a location I was planning to use in a comic strip, but since I can't draw, I scrapped the idea. Their school team is the Nads, chosen by an apathetic student council concerned with fashion and the latest Backstreet Boys song).
- A Public Service Annoucement, courtesy of Bordam Daravon (you can tell that Daravon rocks, can't you?)
- The quintessential tlansration (You know the one)
- A line from Zero Wing (if this isn't entertaining, I don't know what is)

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